
BTEC Tech Awards and WJEC Vocational Award (teaching from 2022)

Teaching from September 2022, Pearson and WJEC updated this vocational qualifications. 

Component 1 and 2

  • Internal Set Assignment which is conducted in class as a set assignments under supervised conditions*.
  • These components are marked by centres and moderated by the exam board.  

Component 3 

  • External assessments for this qualification are available twice a year in January/February and May/June. First assessment is January/February 2024. Learners are permitted to have one resit of an external assessment prior to certification by taking a new assessment.

*Supervised conditions - During supervised sessions, learners must work independently, cannot work with or discuss their work with other learners unless group or collaborative work is required or permitted

Grading of how the Vocational grades compare to GCSE (9to1) grades can be found below.


GCSE Grading BTEC Grading WJEC Grading
9 Level 2 Distinction Star (8.5) Level 2 Distinction Star (8.5)
7 Level 2 Distinction (7) Level 2 Distinction (7)
6 Level 2 Merit (5.5) Level 2 Merit (5.5)
4 Level 2 Pass (4) Level 2 Pass (4)
3 Level 1 Distinction (3) Level 1 Distinction Star (3)
2 Level 1 Merit (2) Level 1 Distinction (2)
    Level 1 Merit (1.5)
1 Level 1 Pass (1.25) Level 1 Pass (1)


Rules/Regulations during assignments

During all assignments the following rules will be displayed on the whiteboard

For the duration of the SA:

  • All work must be completed independently by the learner under appropriate monitoring and supervision to ensure authenticity
  • Work must be produced in response to the assignment and no work completed during teaching can be used or adapted for this purpose
  • Guidance or support can only be given to learners in order to clarify:
    • the requirements of tasks
    • the evidence they need to produce
    • any resources they are allowed to access
  • Learners cannot receive any guidance or instruction about how to improve work to meet mark bands or solutions to questions or problems in the tasks
  • Learners must not be given any support or feedback in writing or editing notes
  • Learners must not be provided with centre-derived writing frames, prepared formats, templates or any other forms of scaffolding
  • Any permitted group or collaborative work must be clearly defined
  • Appropriate steps must be taken to prevent plagiarism and/or collusion through supervision and regular checks of work as it develops.

Maintaining security during formal supervision

  • Any work learners produce under supervision must be kept securely between sessions and during breaks.
  • Designated assessment areas must only be accessible to the learner and to named members of staff.
  • Learners can only have access to their work under supervision.

Letters/Information sent to parents

Tech Award Art & Design Practice

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3

Creative Practice in Art and Design

20 hours formal supervision

Task 1 = 3 hours

Task 2 = 6 hours

Task 3 = 8 hours

Task 4 = 3 hours

Responding to a brief

20 hours formal supervision (arranged over a number of sessions in a 12-week period timetabled by Pearson)

May/June from 2024 onwards

Activity 1 = 8 hours (informal supervision)

Activity 2 = 1 hour 30 mins (formal supervision)

Activity 3 = 8 hours (formal supervision)

Activity 4 = 2 hours 30 mins (formal supervision)


Calculation of the qualification grade (Art only)

The final grade awarded for a qualification represents an aggregation of a learner’s performance across the three components. A higher performance in some components may be balanced by a lower outcome in others.

The UMS is used to convert learners’ component ‘raw’ marks into uniform marks. This is done in order to standardise marks from one series to another. For example, a learner who just achieves a Level 2 Pass in an internal component one series will receive the same uniform mark as a learner achieving that same component grade the following series, regardless of their raw marks.
The minimum uniform marks required for each grade for each component

Component 1

Component Grade L2D L2M L2P L1D L1M L1P
Max UMS = 120 96 84 72 60 48 36

Learners who do not achieve the standard required for a Level 1 Pass will receive a uniform mark in the range 0–35.

Component 2

Component Grade L2D L2M L2P L1D L1M L1P
Max UMS = 80 64 56 48 40 32 24

Learners who do not achieve the standard required for a Level 1 Pass will receive a uniform mark in the range 0–23.

Qualification level results: the minimum uniform marks required for each grade

Component Grade L2D* L2D L2M L2P L1D L1M L1P
Max UMS = 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60

Learners who do not achieve the standard required for a Level 1 Pass grade will receive a uniform mark in the range 0–59.

The Level 2 Distinction* grade at qualification level will be awarded only if a learner has achieved a Level 2 Distinction in each component and the minimum number of uniform marks for the Level 2 Distinction* at qualification level.

Learners must achieve a minimum of Level 1 Pass grade in Component 2 to be eligible for a qualification grade

Tech Award Digital Information Technology

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3

Exploring User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques

6 hours formal supervision

Task 1 = 1.5 hours – 24 marks

Task 2 = 1.5 hours - 12 marks

Task 3 = 2 hours - 12 marks

Task 4 = 1 hour – 12 marks

Collecting, Presenting and Interpreting Data

6 hours formal supervision

Task 1 = 1 hour – 12 marks

Task 2 = 2.5 hours - 24 marks

Task 3 = 2.5 hours - 24 marks

Effective Digital Working Practices

1 hour 30 mins – 60 marks

First sitting Jan 2024 and One resit opportunity in Summer 2024

Tech Award Enterprise

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3

Exploring Enterprises

6 hours monitored Prep = 

Task 1 = 2 hours / Task 2 = 2 hours / Task 3 = 2 hours

5 hours formal supervision = 

Task 1 = 2 hours – 24 marks

Task 2 = 1 hour – 12 marks

Task 3 = 2 hours – 24 marks

Planning and presenting a Micro-Enterprise Idea

6 hours Monitored Prep =

Task 1 = 2 hours / Task 2 = 2 hours / Task 3 = 2 hours

7 hours formal supervision =

Task 1 = 2 hours – 24 marks

Task 2 = 1 hour – 12 marks

Task 3 = 2 hours – 24 marks

Marketing and Finance for Enterprise

2 hours = 60 marks


First sitting Jan 2024 and One resit opportunity in Summer 2024.

Component 1 and 2

  • Internal Set Assignment which is marked by centres and moderated by the exam board.  

Component 3 

  • External assessments for this qualification are available twice a year in January/February and May/June. First assessment is January/February 2024. Learners are permitted to have one resit of an external assessment prior to certification by taking a new assessment.

Tech Award Health and Social Care

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3

Human Lifespan Development

6 hours formal supervision

Task 1 = 1.5 hours – 12 marks

Task 2 = 1.5 hours - 12 marks

Task 3a = 1 hour - 12 marks

Task 3b = 2 hours – 24 marks

Health and Social Care Services and Values

6 hours formal supervision

Task 1 = 1 hour – 12 marks

Task 2 = 1 hour - 12 marks

Task 3 = 1 hour - 12 marks

Task 4 = 1.5 hours – 12 marks

Task 5 = 1.5 hours – 12 marks

Health and Wellbeing

2 hours = 60 marks

First sitting Jan 2024 and One resit opportunity in Summer 2024

Tech Award Music Practice

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3

Exploring Music Product and Styles

12 hours formal supervision

Task 1 = 5 hours – 24 marks

Task 2 = 7 hours – 36 marks

Music Skills Development

15 hours formal supervision

Task 1 = 15 hours – 60 marks

Responding to a Music Brief

Learners will be given a set task in January, 12 weeks before the supervised assessment period,

The set task will be completed in 23 hours within the period timetabled by Pearson

May/June from 2024 onwards

Activity 1 Preparatory = 4 hours (informal supervision)

Activity 1 = 2 hours (formal supervision)

Activity 2 = 16 hours (informal supervision)

Activity 3 = 1 hour (formal supervision)

Tech Award Sport

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3

Preparing Participants to Take Part in Sport and Physical Activity


5 hours formal supervision

Task 1 = 2 hours – 24 marks

Task 2 = 1 hour – 12 marks

Task 3 = 2 hours – 24 marks

Taking Part and Improving Other Participants Sporting Performance

4 hours formal supervision

Task 1 = 1 hour – 12 marks

Task 2 = 1 hour – 12 marks

Task 3 = 1 hour – 12 marks

Task 4 = 1 hour – 24 marks

Developing Fitness to Improve Other Participants Performance in Sport and Physical Activity

1 hour 30 mins = 60 marks

First sitting Jan 2024 and One resit opportunity in Summer 2024

Tech Award Travel

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3

Travel & Tourism Organisations & Destinations

4 hours Monitored Prep

Task 1a = 1 hour / Task 1b = n/a / Task 2 = 1 hour / Task 3a = 2 hours / Task 3b = n/a

6 hours formal supervision

Task 1a = 1 hour – 12 marks

Task 1b = 1 hour – 12 marks

Task 2 = 1.5 hour - 12 marks

Task 3a = 1.5 hour - 12 marks

Task 3b = 1 hour – 12 marks

Customer needs in Travel and Tourism

5 hours Monitored Prep

Task 1a = n/a / Task 1b = 2 hours / Task 2 = 1 hour / Task 3a & b = 2 hours

6 hours formal supervision

Task 1a = 1 hour – 12 marks

Task 1b = 1.5 hour – 12 marks

Task 2 = 1.5 hour - 12 marks

Task 3a & b = 2 hour – 24 marks (a = 12 marks & b = 12 marks)

Influences on global travel

2 hours = 60 marks

First sitting Jan 2024 and One resit opportunity in Summer 2024.

Calculation of the qualification grade (Enterprise, Sport, HSC, DIT, Music & Travel)

The final grade awarded for a qualification represents an aggregation of a learner’s performance across the three components. A higher performance in some components may be balanced by a lower outcome in others. 
The UMS is used to convert learners’ component ‘raw’ marks into uniform marks. This is done in order to standardise marks from one series to another. For example, a learner who just achieves a Level 2 Pass in an internal component one series will receive the same uniform mark as a learner achieving that same component grade the following series, regardless of their raw marks.
The minimum uniform marks required for each grade for each component

Component 1 & 2

Component Grade L2D L2M L2P L1D L1M L1P
Max UMS = 90 72 63 54 45 36 27

Learners who do not achieve the standard required for a Level 1 Pass will receive a uniform mark in the range 0–26.

Component 3

Component Grade L2D L2M L2P L1D L1M L1P
Max UMS = 120 84 72 60 48 36 36

Learners who do not achieve the standard required for a Level 1 Pass will receive a uniform mark in the range 0–35.

Qualification level results: the minimum uniform marks required for each grade

Component Grade L2D* L2D L2M L2P L1D L1M L1P
Max UMS = 300 270 240 210 180 150 120 90

Learners who do not achieve the standard required for a Level 1 Pass grade will receive a uniform mark in the range 0–89.

The Level 2 Distinction* grade at qualification level will be awarded only if a learner has achieved a Level 2 Distinction in each component and the minimum number of uniform marks for the Level 2 Distinction* at qualification level.

WJEC Vocational Award Engineering

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3

Manufacturing engineering products

20 hours formal supervision

Task 1 = 2.5 hours

Task 2 = 3.5 hours

Task 3 = 12 hours

Task 4 = 2 hours

Designing engineering products

10 hours formal supervision

Task 1 = 1 hour

Task 2 = 5 hours

Task 3 = 2.5 hours

Task 4 = 1.5 hours

Solving engineering problems

1 hour 30 mins – 80 marks

First sitting Jan 2024 and One resit opportunity in Summer 2024

Calculation of the qualification grade (Engineering)

Component Grade MAX L2D* L2D L2M L2P L1D* L1D L1M L1P
Unit 1 120 108 96 84 72 60 48 36 24
Unit 2 60 54 48 42 36 30 24 18 12
Unit 3 120 108 96 84 72 60 48 36 24
Qualification 300 270 240 230 180 150 120 90 60

WJEC Vocational Award Hospitality and Catering

Component 1 Component 2 Component 3

The hospitality and catering industry

1 hour 30 mins – 80 marks

First sitting Jan 2024 and One resit opportunity in Summer 2024

Hospitality and catering in action

12 hours formal supervision

Task 1 = 2 hours

Task 2 = 3 hours

Task 3 = 3.5 hours

Task 4 = 3.5 hours


Calculation of the qualification grade (Hosp and Catering)

Component Grade MAX L2D* L2D L2M L2P L1D* L1D L1M L1P
Unit 1 120 108 96 84 72 60 48 36 24
Unit 2 180 162 144 126 108 90 72 54 36
Qualification 300 270 240 230 180 150 120 90 60