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Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium
Contact Details
Email - admin@st-georgescofe-thanet.kent.sch.uk
Telephone - 01843 609000
The Government provides funding for Pupil Premium Pupils annually; schools have the freedom to spend this in order to raise achievement and progress. The main reason for this is that it has been evidenced through research that nationally, Pupil Premium Pupils do significantly less well than their peers.
Pupil Premium Pupils are those in receipt of free school meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years, along with Looked After Children (LAC, known as Children in Care, CiC, within Kent). In addition to this, children of Service Personnel currently serving or have finished serving in the last 6 years, or in receipt of a Ministry of Defence pension, are also entitled to the Pupil Premium.
Post-LAC: for any pupil having left local authority care as a result of, adoption or a special guardianship order.
If you feel that your child falls within these categories and you would like to discuss the additional support, or if you are unsure if they are eligible for FSM please contact the school reception who will be happy to help.
Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)
The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) will allocate PPG to schools and local authorities (who must allocate for each FTE pupil on the January school census, at each school they maintain) the following amounts:
- £1,455 per pupil for each Ever 6 FSM FTE pupil aged 4 and over in year groups reception to year 6, except where the pupil is allocated the LAC or post-LAC premium
- £1,035 per pupil for each Ever 6 FSM FTE in year groups 7 to 11, except where the pupil is allocated the LAC or post-LAC Premium
- £2,530 for each reception to year 11 pupil identified in the January school census or the alternative provision census as having left local authority care as a result of:
- adoption
- a special guardianship order
- a child arrangements order (previously known as a residence order)
- who has been in local authority care for 1 day or more
- £335 for each pupil aged 4 and over in year groups reception to year 11 who is either Ever 6 service child FTE or in receipt of pensions under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) and the War Pensions Scheme (WPS)
We spend this allocation on a variety of initiatives in order support with the closing of the gap between our Disadvantaged and other Pupils.
Intervention Provided
The Sutton Trust toolkit has formed the basis of much expert analysis in this subject field and assesses over 20 different approaches to improving learning in schools, estimating the extra progress over the course of a school year that an ‘average’ student might expect if this strategy was adopted. It identifies the strength of the existing research evidence and makes an estimate of the costs of adopting the approaches.
The top approaches set out by the toolkit are listed below as well as an explanation of how we at St George’s Church of England Foundation School have used the PPG to facilitate these interventions.
Approach | What we do |
Student Feedback | Feedback Focus Opportunities Termly Academic Overviews |
Peer Tutoring | Peer Ambassadors that take pupils for reading in the mornings and during selected lessons. |
Early Years Intervention | Student progress measured in every year compared to desired outcomes in year 11. |
One to One | Specific intervention allocated to pupils based on Academic Progress linked to target grades. This also includes Saturday School. |
Homework | After school Homework Club. |
ICT | All Pupil Premium Pupils have access to interactive whiteboards, PC’s, laptops and IPad’s to support learning within lessons |
Phonics Teaching | Specific pupils selected and support by small group intervention with specialist teaching. |